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research on information system application-level disaster recovery backup passed experts review

on the afternoon of 7th february, research on information system application-level disaster recovery backup, one of spfmc’s major research items for 2012, passed the review and got approved by the experts panel, which comprises experts from the municipal office information solution center, the municipal construction and transportation commission, the municipal medical protection information center and shanghai provident fund management center.

research on information system application-level disaster recovery backup proposed an appropriate and feasible framework for information system application-level disaster recovery backup after intensive research and studies about the need of provident fund application-level disaster recovery backup, using current theory on information system disaster recovery backup and considering the status quo of and development plan for shanghai housing provident fund information system, and drew up corresponding implementation proposals and operational management standards, which provided theoretic support to construction and management of the information system disaster recovery backup. the outcome of the research is to be applied to the construction project after acceptance inspection of the research topic.
